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Friday, October 4

Downtown Museum Day

A few weekends ago, we headed downtown to partake in Downtown Museum Day. Several of the museums in downtown Memphis were either free or had discounted admission. There were a few on the list that we hadn’t been to or hadn’t been in a while, so we figured that we’d participate.

First stop… Fire Museum!! Ethan had been here for a birthday party once, but Gray had never been. He’s obsessed with all things firemen, so we knew this was a must do!



SOOO excited!!!


I don’t think he quite smiling the entire time!


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LK and E had fun too! ;)

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His favorite part was definitely the fire pole!

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He went down over and over again! I think Chris’ arms were exhausted from having to catch him.

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Sweet boy!





Goo Goo went with us and she had a ball! Look at her face! Those kids can do no wrong in her eyes!

Next stop… Sun Studio! Surprisingly, we had never been and LK had always wanted to! You know how she loves her Elvis and Cash! So, since we did the fire museum for the boys, we knew we had to do something for her too. This was it!



I took more pics with my iPhone of this tour, so I’ll have to upload those later. We had a great time though!! The tour was fantastic and LK LOVED it!!!

Downtown Museum Day was a great idea!! We will definitely do it next year, again! There were some really great museums that participate and we’d love to go visit a lot more.

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